Events & Announcements
Join us at these informative and family friendly events.
Find out what's happening in Chatham County.

Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) training hosted by the Chatham County Public Health Department. Course space is limited to 30 participants. The registration deadline is December 27th. For questions about YMHFA, please contact me by phone (919-545-4857) or by email at tia.brown@chathamcountync.gov. Thank you!
Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrd-qppj0rHdQvZJxycI51poZmurLn-EDd
Overdose Response Trainings
These trainings are being hosted by the Chatham County Public Health Department and are now being scheduled for early next year. The training covers background information on the overdose epidemic and how to recognize and respond to an overdose with naloxone. If you’d like to request a training for your organization/group, please fill out this form and the training coordinator will reach out to you for scheduling. These trainings are scheduled based on trainer availability-- organizations that directly serve people who are at risk for overdose and their networks are our top priority for scheduling, though ANY group can request a training Trainings open to the public will also be scheduled regularly beginning in early 2024; stay tuned for information.